Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips

More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements, like this one that is one of the best sellers on Clickbank, it is incredible its popularity there. Many people have benefited from these supplements, but there are still a lot of people who are clueless on what type of product to buy and this is because your obesity can be due to sugar, stress, lack of sleep, pesticides, obesogens, and not precisely because of your diet but people ignore it.


Only holistic coaches like me know about it and each person should focus on different changes in the lifestyle and not only reducing calories or taking supplementation. This is why I encourage you to look for a good holistic coach like me that can help you more than a nutritionist. Because many people cannot lose weight for lack of sleeping or because they need to detox their body and a nutritionist will tell you only about food.


So, if you like coffee and natural remedies and you want to be the best version of yourself you can book a session with me by using this link but if you want to try on your own by taking supplementation next I will share with you important tips to choose the right one. But do not worry ! Here are some proven tips to help out weight losers wannabes when buying diet pills in the market:

1. For over the counter supplements, decide what kind to buy. There are numerous types available in the market today. Some are appetite suppressants like this one, while some help the body to absorb fat and others to accelerate your metabolism like Metabofix.

Also, do not forget to check the ingredients and carefully read the labels to avoid serious side effects like high blood and heart valve lesions. Also, make sure it will not react negatively to any other medications that are currently being taken. It would also help to have it checked by the doctor before taking it.

2. Keep in mind that all weight loss supplements, even those that are prescribed by doctors, carry risks. It is for this reason that all instructions must be followed carefully and religiously. Stop taking the supplements if unusual symptoms are being noticed.

3. Beware of over the counter diet pills that contain Ma Huang. This is a strong stimulant that has been associated with death especially among professional athletes.

6. When purchasing online, make sure that all the weight loss supplements are sealed. Do not accept bottles that were tampered with.

7. Remember that dietary products that promise quick weight loss usually do not have the approval of FDA. Most of these products have severe side effects that lead to drastic weight loss.

8. Research the internet for diet pills that are proven to have side effects. For example, a Brazilian diet pill was recently sold in USA that contains drugs and chemicals like antidepressants, tranquilizers, and amphetamines. This pill was advertised as all natural but was proven dangerous to health.

9. Never buy Ephedra-based supplements; they are deeply associated with strokes and death.

10. Look for supplements that contain essential nutrients like Omega fatty acids, B12, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and liver oils which are very important especially to women.

11. Buy products that are endorsed or recommended by health professionals or bodybuilders. Also, tested by a third-party group that certifies the quality of the standards. 

12. Do not depend on weight loss supplements alone. Eat healthy and exercise. Try working out in the gym at least 3 times a week and get incredible results ! 




Weight loss supplements have been in the market for some time now but their effects, in the long run, have not yet been proven. People who are serious about losing weight must aid supplements with exercise and a well-balanced diet. This is the most effective way in shedding pounds the healthy way. The supplement that I recommend to the people that booked my coaching services is Apple Cider Vinegar because it speeds up the metabolism, promotes weight loss, and suppresses appetite. When it is mixed with water and taken before every meal, the acetic acid increases the metabolism and reduces water retention.


If you have been working hard to lose weight and you failed, again and again, I invite you to read this article to have an idea of the reason to change your strategy. I wrote also another article where I am sharing the recipe I use to help my clients to lose weight and reserve their biological age and you can find it by clicking this link. American spends $50 billion every year on weight-loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products, this is why I consider the best option to find a weight loss coach, so click here and book a session with me !