Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips

Achieving weight loss could be easy just by taking a supplement like Biofit but It is not only about losing weight, it is about having a healthy lifestyle that improves your whole appearance and extends your healthspan. 

Many people have horrible skin due to their diet and by losing weight you do not improve your appearance but by having a healthy lifestyle your look better and you lose weight. For example, the ad for that supplement invites you to keep eating sugar and the main causes of death on the planet are related to sugar because it steals body´s nutrients what causes many lethal conditions.


It is important that you be aware that sugars can be dangerous to reduce their consumption and if it is your decision to lose weight by only consuming supplements like this one which is very popular. At least keep your body with the right nutrients by taking Vitamins and minerals based on plant sources only like all these ones I found on eBay. Because the synthetic ones, that are available everywhere, your body does not assimilate completely, even less than 50%, and to improve the absorption take some probiotics as well.


However, the best method to lose weight is by having a healthy diet with only 3 meals per day and nothing between. The best foods are raw veggies, healthy fats, protein in moderation, and a bit of fruit only during the morning. Eating this diet going to help you a lot you going to see. It is simple and keep a distance from GMOs, which promote obesity.


This is why consuming organic food is important because the pesticides on GMOs, conventional dairy, meat, soja, and corn are obesogens that interfere with your gland's function what can slow down your metabolism, the worst thing that could happen to you if you want to lose weight. So, apart from your diet, there are other reasons why you can be gaining weight that I am explaining in this other article I invite you to read.




I recommend you to skip your Breakfast because it has been found out that, people who do it are very successful in losing weight. Also, the ketogenic diet has been proved as the best method to burn fat by your own body even during sleep and if you never heard about it or you have no idea of what to eat with this diet, check out this website where you can make get your custom keto diet plan, which is very useful.


But what is best is to stay away from sugars, ultra-processed foods, or beverages rich in fat and sugar as they will increase the insulin levels in the blood. Diet strategy can be planned in such a way that, without having to cut the favorite foods, if they are consumed in smaller portions along with healthy fresh vegetables. In this way, the nutritional value of the food consumed is increased. 


When you exercise you must move at a steady pace (not too fast, not too slow) so your body will utilize your stored fat (not carbohydrates or sugar) as its energy source. Also, remember that just because you reached the fat-burning stage does not mean you will stay there. Staying at the fat-burning stage once again depends on if you are moving at a pace that is right for your body. 


During aerobic exercise, your body goes through several stages before it reaches the point where you are burning fat. You only burn sugar and not fat during the first 10 minutes of exercise. If you continue you will burn sugar past the 10-minute mark if you are not working out hard enough for your body to want more oxygen, or you are working out too hard what can make your body release cortisol which releases sugars.


But the best to keep your perfect weight, by improving your health and your beauty is having a holistic coach guiding you. This is why I invite you to book a session with me to guide you to a lifestyle that will maintain your desired weight and appearance. I am an anti-aging health coach but the method used to reverse the biological body age burns a lot of fat, reduces wrinkles, improves your physical appearance, and extends the healthspan and all these my clients receive in each session with me, what I consider a lot of value !






Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips

More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements, like this one that is one of the best sellers on Clickbank, it is incredible its popularity there. Many people have benefited from these supplements, but there are still a lot of people who are clueless on what type of product to buy and this is because your obesity can be due to sugar, stress, lack of sleep, pesticides, obesogens, and not precisely because of your diet but people ignore it.


Only holistic coaches like me know about it and each person should focus on different changes in the lifestyle and not only reducing calories or taking supplementation. This is why I encourage you to look for a good holistic coach like me that can help you more than a nutritionist. Because many people cannot lose weight for lack of sleeping or because they need to detox their body and a nutritionist will tell you only about food.


So, if you like coffee and natural remedies and you want to be the best version of yourself you can book a session with me by using this link but if you want to try on your own by taking supplementation next I will share with you important tips to choose the right one. But do not worry ! Here are some proven tips to help out weight losers wannabes when buying diet pills in the market:

1. For over the counter supplements, decide what kind to buy. There are numerous types available in the market today. Some are appetite suppressants like this one, while some help the body to absorb fat and others to accelerate your metabolism like Metabofix.

Also, do not forget to check the ingredients and carefully read the labels to avoid serious side effects like high blood and heart valve lesions. Also, make sure it will not react negatively to any other medications that are currently being taken. It would also help to have it checked by the doctor before taking it.

2. Keep in mind that all weight loss supplements, even those that are prescribed by doctors, carry risks. It is for this reason that all instructions must be followed carefully and religiously. Stop taking the supplements if unusual symptoms are being noticed.

3. Beware of over the counter diet pills that contain Ma Huang. This is a strong stimulant that has been associated with death especially among professional athletes.

6. When purchasing online, make sure that all the weight loss supplements are sealed. Do not accept bottles that were tampered with.

7. Remember that dietary products that promise quick weight loss usually do not have the approval of FDA. Most of these products have severe side effects that lead to drastic weight loss.

8. Research the internet for diet pills that are proven to have side effects. For example, a Brazilian diet pill was recently sold in USA that contains drugs and chemicals like antidepressants, tranquilizers, and amphetamines. This pill was advertised as all natural but was proven dangerous to health.

9. Never buy Ephedra-based supplements; they are deeply associated with strokes and death.

10. Look for supplements that contain essential nutrients like Omega fatty acids, B12, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and liver oils which are very important especially to women.

11. Buy products that are endorsed or recommended by health professionals or bodybuilders. Also, tested by a third-party group that certifies the quality of the standards. 

12. Do not depend on weight loss supplements alone. Eat healthy and exercise. Try working out in the gym at least 3 times a week and get incredible results ! 




Weight loss supplements have been in the market for some time now but their effects, in the long run, have not yet been proven. People who are serious about losing weight must aid supplements with exercise and a well-balanced diet. This is the most effective way in shedding pounds the healthy way. The supplement that I recommend to the people that booked my coaching services is Apple Cider Vinegar because it speeds up the metabolism, promotes weight loss, and suppresses appetite. When it is mixed with water and taken before every meal, the acetic acid increases the metabolism and reduces water retention.


If you have been working hard to lose weight and you failed, again and again, I invite you to read this article to have an idea of the reason to change your strategy. I wrote also another article where I am sharing the recipe I use to help my clients to lose weight and reserve their biological age and you can find it by clicking this link. American spends $50 billion every year on weight-loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products, this is why I consider the best option to find a weight loss coach, so click here and book a session with me !



5 Powerful Ways To Attract Abundance In Your Life

By Heather Mathews Author of Manifestation Miracle 

Don't accept the fear that scarcity exists in any corner of your life. There is enough love, enough time, enough healing to go around. Give what you wish to receive.” ― Jewel

Lisa, a stay-at-home mom of three kids, recently got back into the workforce. She decided to focus on raising her kids, so she put her property management career on hold for a while.

When Lisa's youngest child started going to junior high school (and her oldest one started college), she applied for a position as vice president of operations at a high-end shopping mall.

As it happened, the current person at the job was just about to leave because he was reassigned to a branch at another city.

So Lisa went to the interview, nailed it, and got the job.

Now, that might not sound so remarkable. On the surface, it all seemed like a straightforward process.

But here's the thing - Lisa used to work the same job at the same place before she opted to stay at home and take care of her family. And when she decided to get back on the old horse several months ago, Lisa had been trying to work there again.

She knew the people well and had a fantastic relationship with them. Plus, they have an excellent working environment, and the benefits were more than substantial.

The only reason she left was because of her kids, and now she was ready to get back at it again. The problem was that there weren't any vacancies at the company.

Lisa looked for work elsewhere, but she kept her eye on her old job.

In fact, Lisa was about to take an offer from another position she applied for but turned it down at the 11th hour when she got her lucky break.

Here’s the other interesting thing about it. Just a couple of days before Lisa got her old job back, she’d been learning and applying different ways to manifest abundance.

Her sister, Jocelyn, introduced her to the Law of Attraction and Lisa figured it was worth a shot.

Now, she thought that the breakthrough in her work situation might be just a case of plain luck.

But then, another funny thing happened…

Lisa’s car had broken down in the same week she got her old job back. It wasn’t anything serious, but the repairs came to a total of $147.65

At first, Lisa didn’t think much of it. But then, she got a letter from her bank saying that she got a sizeable rebate on her credit card for being a loyal customer.

You can probably guess exactly how much her cashback reward was.

Lisa was stunned. She’d been using the same card for years now, and never got any previous letters about a reward.

At that moment, Lisa knew it was more than just a random instance of good fortune. That letter she held in her trembling hand was a sign from The Universe.

Is It Luck or Destiny Calling?

A lot of people think that life is just a series of circumstances beyond their control.

They don’t understand the kind of power they wield, or how it can shape the course of their life.

Lisa’s recent experience showed her that she can attract the things she wants in life. Not only that, she has the incredible potential to influence her very destiny.

We ALL have this ability, and it’s just a matter of developing it like any other skill.

It all starts with mastering your mindset and cultivating the right habits. After that, you'll effortlessly attract more wealth, abundance and happiness than you know what to do with. Here’s how to get started today:



#1: Light Up The World

When I think about abundance, there’s no better representation of it than the Sun. When was the last time you were worried there wasn’t enough light for everyone?

Have you ever been afraid that the Sun would go out one day? Probably not.

Sure, maybe billions of years from now, that might happen. But as far as human comprehension is concerned, that's not for another several eternities.

Now think about that light inside you. There's so much goodness, talent, and value that you can offer the world.

When you shine that light on other people around you, there’s no limit to the impact you can make on their lives.

And when you generously share this endless gift…

…you’ll find that it will come back to you in ways you’ve yet to understand.


#2: Unlearn Your Fear of Scarcity

Most of us are afraid that the worst is going to happen. We’re always stocking up, securing the hatches and steeling ourselves from dangers we’ve yet to face.

In a lot of ways, we’re prisoners of our own fears. It’s mostly because everyone has their share of negative life experiences.

It might leave someone a little jaded, change their outlook on life and make them defensive.

Worse, it closes their minds to the infinite possibilities and opportunities that life has to offer.

So, they usually have these kinds of thoughts in their head:

- “How can there be any good left in the world when it’s been so unfair to me??”

- “The idea of ‘having it all’ is a myth. You have to settle for whatever life gives you!”

But the fact is that you can have your cake and eat it, too. If you raise your frequency and tap into the energy of the Universe, you’ll find that it can give you everything you want.

When you embrace the reality that life is abundant as you want it to be, you don’t have to pick and choose…

…because it’s ALL yours for the taking!


#3: Detoxify Your Life

People often hold on to things in this world way longer than they should.

It could be junk sitting in your attic or basement. It can also be thoughts, experiences, and memories of events that have come to pass.

All of these might have served a purpose in the past. But as you evolve over time, you're not the same person you were so many years ago.

Your priorities and motivations have changed, and you have different needs now. You’re more focused and have a clearer sense of direction, so holding on to those things could be slowing you down.

Don’t let that toxic energy drag you back into past behaviors and thought patterns – it’s going to get in the way of attracting abundance in your life.

However, I’m not saying that you should throw away positive memories or experiences. Just let mentally go of the ones that don’t help you anymore, then move forward.

As for physical clutter, getting rid of it is also helpful from a psychological viewpoint. Look into the minimalism movement and figure out how to trim the fat wherever you can.

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, known collectively as The Minimalists, are authors and filmmakers who talk about this topic.

They don't reduce the act of de-cluttering to merely getting rid of stuff. It goes beyond that, and here's what they had to say about it:

“Minimalists don’t focus on having less, less, less. We focus on making room for more: more time, more passion, more creativity, more experiences, more contribution, more contentment, more freedom. Clearing the clutter from life’s path helps make that room.”



#4: Rewrite Your Story

Everyone has a narrative in their head, and it’s often TOXIC.

The story they have about themselves is usually littered with damaging and disempowering labels. And people don’t even realize half the time that they’re doing this.

Like we talked about in the last point, people hold on to experiences and events for years and years.

This creates a distorted truth about who they are - and they repeat it in their mind over and over. Here are some examples of what I mean:

- “That kid from high school was right …you’ll always be that awkward loser who can’t get it together. That’s why you’re stuck in the hole you’re in now.”

- “Do you know why your partner broke up with you? It’s because you’re insensitive and don’t care about anyone else but yourself. No wonder you’re alone now.”

- “Your dad always said you didn’t have the guts to pursue an actual career. He knows you’re not strong enough to stand on your own two feet, that’s why he’s always bailing you out.”

These stories and beliefs shouldn’t get a vote in your life anymore. The less you feed them, the less power they’ll have over you.

Remember, part of letting go of that negative baggage is acknowledging it first. Once you’ve come to terms with that story in your head, you can begin rewriting it.

That way, you can create the space in your mind for abundance to GROW.


#5: Reinforce Your Reality

Mindset is crucial, but so is ACTION. You can have the most empowering thoughts in your mind, but doing something about it is the other side of that coin.

More importantly, taking action will help those thoughts of prosperity grow even more. So when you start executing that vision based on your abundant thoughts, it creates a positive feedback loop that feeds on itself.

This is why it's important to match every abundant thought with concrete action. This will REINFORCE the belief that gave birth to it in the first place.

Once you’ve set this cycle in motion, you can keep feeding it until it creates a ripple effect in your life. And even the smallest steps will ADD up and multiply exponentially.

Don’t ignore the little things you can do every day to support your mindset of prosperity.

Savor the small moments where you get to enjoy life’s abundance, then channel that positive energy into action.

Do the job that you have with passion and dedication, even if you’re thinking of resigning. Have brief but meaningful conversations with people, like the barista at your favorite coffee shop or even that co-worker you haven’t been that friendly with.

Looking at the bigger scheme of things, your positive actions put a particular kind of energy into the world.

And that energy will find its way back to you so you can keep doing the same thing, but on a bigger scale.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

In my experience, the BIGGEST challenge of getting into this positive cycle…

… is breaking out of a destructive one first.

That’s what I struggled with for the longest time in my life.

I know what's like to get caught in a vortex of negative thinking and harmful actions. Abundance was the farthest thing on my mind.

The irony was that I was supposed to be this successful person with the perfect job and the ideal partner. That's what everyone saw when they looked at me, at least.

What I felt inside was another story. I was trapped in the life that I made, and burned out from having to put up appearances.

It all changed, however, when I took a different approach to The Law of Attraction.

I tried it a few times before, but couldn’t quite manifest the kind of abundance I wanted.

I was getting frustrated with getting limited results…

…until I discovered a small but powerful shift that made ALL the difference.

Watch this video now to know how to Effortlessly Manifest All The Abundance, Wealth and Happiness You Could Ever Want !


How can we train the spirit ?

In order to improve the strength and appearance of the spirit is necessary to cultivate the energies around, inside the body. By taking care of the spirit, the health is improved and the lifestyle as well. A healthy spirit brings a lot of creativity, good ideas or smart solutions because the mind is part of the spirit and operates with a higher potential when the spirit is bright. By harvesting the cosmic energy in the body, the spirit is filled with light and the darkness is diluted. Later, the defects disappear even if the person made no effort to eliminate them. Many people make too much effort to be good people and end up creating 2 personalities because the only way to become a Saint is by cultivating the light within the spirit. We are living in a Universe where everything is vibrating and it is strategic to vibrate higher, my friend !


The cultivation of light in the body is what a true spiritual practice is and the most popular exercise is meditation. There are 2 types of meditations, the “superficial” and “the cultivation of the light in the spirit”. The second one is important because after a person cultivates enough light, the spirit gets bigger, strong, and brilliant. Then, the emotions have an incredible change, the drama, depression, and fears are dissolved naturally without effort. They are just black spots in the spirit where the energy is leaking and those going to dissolve when enough light is introduced.



Meditation is the easiest exercise to cultivate light because you don’t need to do anything, just sit down with the eyes closed and enjoy the journey. I divided the meditation exercises into two types, “the superficial” and “the cultivation of the cosmic energies”, Sex is part of the second one, the one that I consider the real meditation due to the great impact it has on the broadening of the spirit. With the second method, the spirit gets bigger as the muscles grow when we work out them with the right exercises.


Examples of superficial meditations are breathing exercises or anything else you do with open eyes as techniques used to learn to appreciate the present time or relax incredibly. Cause we sit for long periods at school and work, we change our breathing in a very negative way and there are some instructors teaching society such basic things as breathing properly or how to dive into the present time with joy, but this is not real meditation. What happens is that since we are children, we stop appreciating the present time because we are forced to be in a place where we do not want to be for long hours to learn things that do not interest us. This makes us hate the present time because we do not enjoy it, we only want to be in the future, outside the school or outside the workplace. This old tradition completely destroys the freedom and imagination; the most powerful weapon a person has to create a great life. Consequently, a few people call “meditation” to simple exercises that allow us to recuperate the love we lost for the present time. To me, those are not meditations but let´s call them “superficial meditation” to be friendly.

If you want to grow your muscles you will never achieve it just by walking right ?

A walk is what the superficial meditation is for the spirit, an activity that does not expand it, perhaps allows it to not contract even more but does not make it broaden. If you want that your muscles grow up you need heavy weights, right ? Only by cultivating the energies into the spirit through sex or meditation with closed eyes, you will make your spirit enlarge. When it reaches sufficient size, the mind will operate in a very powerful and unimaginable way.


…The text above is a subchapter of my book “The Most powerful meditation” By reading this book, you will learn about the best exercise that exists to strengthen the invisible area of our bodies, what we call spirit. Amazing discoveries and unique ideas that will improve your life completely are included. Because the spirit is invisible, Spirituality is misunderstood. So, this book will clarify many aspects and it is a great guide to put in practice whatever you catch up on its pages.

Needle-Free Version of Acupuncture: Modern Science Doubles Effectiveness

Today I want to share with you guys this amazing article wrote By Emily J. Parke 
Author of Natural Synergy, a program created for people who want to cure pain or disease at its root cause - rather than masking the problem with drugs. Natural Synergy helps anyone who is suffering from low immunity, Chronic pain, an ongoing disease, addictions, fertility & menstrual issues, or Anxiety & depression.

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” ~ Albert Einstein

What Einstein is trying to tell us is that everything in the universe is energy… just different manifestations of it.

On an atomic level, your body is a sea of energy – vibrating at different frequencies.

Einstein knew it… and so did his adversary; the genius and energy pioneer Nikola Tesla – who was quoted saying: 

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Frequencies can be used to manipulate energy – which has been proven to treat a vast range of diseases… as well as chronic pain. 

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy” – Albert Szent-Györgyi (1937 Nobel Prize for Medicine Winner).

There is a very popular energy-based medicine that works so well that it is often used in hospitals.

Acu-therapies have been used to treat a ton of different ailments (for thousands of years) such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Allergies
  • Addictions
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Low immunity
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Fatigue/Low energy
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis and many, more.

This energy-based natural therapy is Acupuncture: a powerful therapy that has helped millions of people around the world to treat chronic pain and disease at its root cause.

There are many types of acu-therapies like acupuncture… although different, they deliver the same results.

  • Acupuncture uses needles
  • Acupressure uses finger pressure
  • Electro-acupuncture uses electric needles
  • Moxibustion uses heat (burning herbs)
  • Acu-acoustics uses sound frequencies (tuning forks)

How acu-therapies work

We all know somebody… or have at least read of a celebrity who swears-by the healing effects of acupuncture.

Most people don’t know that acupuncture (and other acu-therapies) is the practice of manipulating energy within the body.

The cornerstone of these acu-therapies is that our bodies contain a flow of energy that needs to circulate. The Chinese call this energy flow ‘Qi’ (pronounced ‘chi’). Qi is the energy force that supports all life.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); Qi needs to circulate through our bodies freely for us to maintain our physical and mental health.

Qi circulates through the body via our meridian lines.

Meridian lines are like ‘energy veins’ that run all along our body.

Should our energy flow (Qi) slow-down in one or more of these meridian lines, or there is a blockage in our meridian lines, an imbalance will occur.

And if not treated, pain, illness, and disease will manifest.

To restore the circulation of energy and regain health, a series of specific pressure-points must be stimulated. These pressure points are also known as acupoints.

Acupoints are like little whirlpools of energy that are dotted along our meridian lines.

By stimulating specific acupoints, a burst of energy will restore the circulation of a blocked meridian. This restores balance and harmony; which kills pain and accelerates the healing process.

A famous study that proves the meridian system

Many studies have proven the Meridian system. But one of the most popular was conducted by French Physicians Jean Claude Darras MD and Professor Pierre de Vernejoul.*

Their experiment aimed to prove the existence of meridian lines.

They injected the isotope tracer Te99 into the acupoints of volunteer patients and then monitored the tracer’s movements using a gamma imaging camera.

The tracers traveled along the exact meridian lines within minutes after injection.

To challenge their findings, they injected non-meridian points – finding that the tracers simply pooled up and remained in the same spot.

Interestingly, tracers flowing through diseased parts of the body slowed down dramatically or stopped – compared to a fast flow around healthy parts of the meridian system.

Some skeptics dismiss acupressure citing the “placebo effect” – where 30% of people will be shown to heal in experiments when given a sugar pill instead of the “real medicine”. However, the placebo effect has been debunked because all kinds of animals – who can’t comprehend suggestion, also respond incredibly well to the healing properties of acupoint therapy.



Entrainment in action

Frequencies (vibrating energy) is another highly effective means for unblocking a congested meridian system.

Using the science of entrainment (not entertainment) one can use frequencies to synchronize a blocked meridian line back to its free-flowing state.

Most people have probably heard of the concept of entrainment before but not the name of it. Entrainment is defined as “a synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles” – it’s a law of physics: when two objects are entrained with each other, they expend less energy.*

It is this phenomenon that causes:

  • Female roommates’ menstrual cycles to sync together
  • Our heart rate and brain waves entraining/syncing to a hectic or a quiet environment
  • Fireflies that blink together at the same time
  • The brainwaves sync with the pulse of Chi coming from a Chi Generator
  • And the resetting of the internal body clock – after a very long plane flight

It doesn’t stop at biology. Entrainment happens with machines too – such as clocks to electric driers.

Entrainment can also be defined within: Physics, engineering, biomusicology, hydrodynamics, and also brainwaves.

An alternative to electro-acupuncture

As mentioned earlier, acupuncture isn’t the only means of treating blocked Qi and restoring balance within the body and mind.

Electricity also an effective means to stimulate Qi within the meridian system.

Hospitals combine electricity with acupuncture to achieve faster and longer lasting relief. It’s called electro-acupuncture… but the prospect of electrified needles puts a lot of people off.

So, a non-invasive alternative was formulated, making the therapy more widely available. Especially people with needle phobias.

It’s called Acu-Frequency TM.

Much like electro-acupuncture, Acu-Frequency TM uses a synergy of TWO acu-therapies (acupressure and bio-frequencies) for faster and longer lasting results.

Traditionally, this therapy is applied using tuning forks… therapists press the stem of a vibrating tuning fork on specific acupoints.


Tuning fork therapy works the same way as electro-acupuncture… instead of acupuncture therapists use acupressure, and instead of electricity, they use frequencies (the vibrating frequency of the fork).

Tuning forks are a powerful way to transmit healing frequencies because the body is an excellent conductor of sound.

Sound travels through bone twice as fast as water – that’s 10x faster than sound moving through the air. This is why sound therapy works so well – bone and liquid are such wonderful sound conductors.

When we experience the frequency of a meridian tuning fork, our nervous system, meridian system or brainwaves entrain to the pitch, in much the same way as when we find a pitch for a voice or tune a piano. In this way, we can use sound to heal ourselves.

The ear is an instrument of sound. It’s connected to the beginning of the Vagus nerve, the most expansive nerve in the body, which is directly connected to all our major organs.

The word “Vagus” means “wander” because it wanders all over the body, making it a perfect vehicle for sound therapy.

Although tuning fork therapy is an effective healing modality, the resonance produced from a single strike of a tuning fork will only last for 15-30 seconds.

Therefore, the practitioner needs to keep striking their instrument and then find the acupoint again.

Acu-Frequency TM eliminates this disruption by providing digital recordings of each different meridian tone (which also means there’s no need an expensive set of meridian tuning forks).

The meridian recordings can last for the entire acupressure session (when using the loop function on the app)… unlike the brief resonance of a tuning fork.

That way, anyone seeking relief from an ailment can concentrate on correctly finding the right acupressure point and holding it while they listen to the proper matching meridian tone.

Acu-Frequency TM combines acupressure with sound therapy in a convenient, non-invasive way – without having to buy a set of expensive tuning forks.

And the step-by-step instructions make it easy to apply… in as little as 3 minutes a day.

Because Acu-Frequency TM is so easy to apply – it’s safe, it can be used it at home, at work, in the car, on the bus… anywhere.

One can expect fantastic results using either practice (acupressure or entrainment therapy) on its own. But combining them gives creates a synergy that maximizes their effectiveness.  Follow this link right now to see what I’m talking about !


What is the Keto Diet and which are the benefits of this Diet ?

Recently, the keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The keto diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits?

What is the Keto Diet ?

You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The keto diet keeps carbohydrate levels low, but instead of ramping up the amount of protein in your diet, the keto diet increases the amount of fat. A typical keto diet aims for meals with 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Eating a high-fat diet can still mean eating healthy. Keto diet menu items often include seafood, meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and nuts. With the increased popularity of the keto diet, keto recipes are widely available.



How Does the Keto Diet Work ?

It might seem counterintuitive that adding more fat to your diet can lead to weight loss. Normally, your diet is high in carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar, for use as energy. As glucose enters your bloodstream, your body releases insulin to store excess glucose as fat. The more carbohydrates, the more glucose. The more glucose, the more insulin, and the more insulin, the more fat.

The keto diet takes advantage of the fact that when your meals are high-fat and low-carbohydrate, there is no insulin spike, and you don't add to your fat reserves. Instead, fat from diet and stored fat are broken down to ketones ("keto" is short for "ketogenic" producing ketones). Like glucose, ketones can be used for energy, keeping your body running without increasing blood sugar or putting on excess fat. The benefits of the keto diet can be huge.

Weight Loss

Overall, the keto diet is an excellent way to burn fat and lose weight. Eating fewer carbohydrates suppresses appetite, and studies have shown that keto diet participants eat fewer calories overall because of this. Burning fat for energy can lead to rapid weight loss.

Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin

Since carbohydrate intake is limited, blood sugar and insulin levels are lowered. This is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, which causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. The keto diet can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for diabetic insulin injections.

Reduced Triglycerides

Fat subunit molecules called triglycerides normally circulate in your bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides are a significant risk factor in the development of heart disease. In the keto diet, because fat is being burned for energy, the number of triglyceride molecules in the bloodstream decreases, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Improved Cholesterol

"Bad" (LDL) cholesterol is another risk factor for heart disease. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream builds up in your arteries, narrowing them and causing atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. The keto diet reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in your body.


The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight, but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease.



Keto is everywhere; it's the new buzzword, the new favorite among those looking to shed pounds, and the new hate victim of the food-pyramid-spouting-eat-your-whole grains mainstream medical industry. The keto diet, while it is not the magic cure-all for every single disease on the planet, does a pretty dang good job at being the potential causer of healing many horrible conditions. So let's cut through the science, separate fact from fiction, and look at the benefits of the keto diet.

Benefit #1: Weight Loss

Okay, so this one isn't so astounding, but it is one of the most common reasons people embark on the keto diet. So why is weight loss usually so easy on the ketogenic diet instead of other regular diets? For all of the following reasons:

  • The keto diet is composed of approximately 75% fat, 20 % protein, and 5% or less carbohydrates. The high fat content and lack of sugar means diminished cravings, lack of blood sugar swings and binges, and increased satiation. Increased satiation=eating less. Many people also have food sensitivities to grains, even gluten-free ones, so eliminating them may lead to an increased ability to absorb minerals like magnesium and potassium, which in turn means your body is more nourished and you have fewer cravings
  • Ketones. When your blood sugar is running low, your body turns to its glycogen stores for energy. Typically glycogen stores house about 2000 calories of "backup" energy for when you run out of glucose. Like the intelligent machine it is, your body depletes the glycogen stores and then turns to your own body fat for fuel.

IMPORTANT: The ketogenic diet is not a free-for-all eat however much cheese or super low-carb fat bomb treats you want diet. If you are eating way more calories than you need, you will not lose weight. So focus on keeping your diet around fatty cuts of grass-fed meat, butter, eggs, avocados, lots of green veggies and cruciferous, and be modest with the keto desserts, dairy, and sweets.

Benefit #2: Brain Function

A poorly functioning brain, as you may have already experienced, leads to lessened work productivity, which in turn means an unhappy boss, lack of job satisfaction, sugar cravings for energy, and depression. It's a horrible domino effect. The original ketogenic diet was formulated by Dr. Russell Wilder in the early 20th century to treat epilepsy. The success rate was phenomenal and it is still used today to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders. This research indicates that ketones are more efficient brain fuel than glucose. 

Benefit #3: Potential Cancer Benefits

This study showed implementing the ketogenic diet led to a dramatically increased survival time and slower tumor growth. 


If you're reading this article now, chances are you are in some sort of pain, whether physical and/or mental (being overweight, struggling with autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, fatigue, brain fog) and want to change. Use this information, don't just skim through it and store it in the back of your brain and say "that's nice for some people", motivate yourself to change.



How to save your Marriage in 2020 ?

One of the greatest lessons in life is the realization that the limit to your learning is endless. Old, young, wise, not so wise, all people have the opportunity to learn something new every day. You may or may not be aware of it, but over the course of a lifetime, you learn more about how life works, how other people work, and even about yourself and how you interact with others. Life is continually calling us into learning, and this is especially applicable when it comes to human relationships.

One of the greatest relationships we are called into over the course of our life is marriage. This does not necessarily mean that it is the most important life relationship, but it is one whose success or failure has the greatest impact on your adult life. And in looking at marriage, there are a number of key skills that are crucial to navigating your way through marriage. 


There will always be couples who live in apparent wedded bliss, and those that will tell you that they never fight or disagree. That simply isn't true. As each of us grows and evolves, we are called to learn different lessons in different ways, and one of the exciting things about marriages is the way we interact and negotiate our way around issues when we look at things from different perspectives. Those who tell you they have never been challenged in this way have never really lived. But what determines whether this challenge is a positive or negative experience for your marriage is how both of you choose to react to your differences and work around them.

When faced with a disagreement there are a range of choices. The first is to back down, allowing the other to make their point and express it. Another is to challenge their point and ascertain whether it is correct. Another choice is to discuss both options and see if there is room for flexibility. Are both of you correct, or is one of you incorrect in your viewpoint? How much is one person's viewpoint inhibiting the beliefs, values, or morals of the other?

The most important point here, however, is introspection. Evaluate your actions and reactions.

* What lesson am I being called to learn in this conflict ?
* What can I learn about my partner and myself ?
* What can I learn in order to address this issue and move forward ?

The key is to understand the issues and to find small ways to move forward. You can call them goals. Make them achievable, and make them measurable. How often are you coming back and seeing if you have reached your goals ? Are you making progress or are you at a stalemate ?

The important thing to realize is that you are always learning, and finding new ways of understanding and loving each other as well as yourselves. Think of your marriage issues as an opportunity for growth and understanding.

The next step is to identify the lessons that you both must learn. In marriage we are called into a constant evolution, a journey of loving. The challenge to all marriages, good and bad, is to find new ways of loving each other. If you have been married one year, ten years or forty years, the challenge is still the same. Grow in love together.

What can you learn from your partner and your marriage today? What do you know today that you didn't know yesterday. The secret is to never stop learning. And when you do stop learning, that's where we can help. 

You may be making mistakes that will jeopardize your marriage recovery ! My Save My Marriage Today ! Premium Home Study Course has helped fastrack the turnaround of thousands of marriages and is guaranteed to deliver you real and measurable results or your money back.

You are the best person to save your marriage, and with the tools and techniques in my Premium Home Study Course, you really can. You have to learn what it takes to save your marriage. Get the whole package that gives you REAL answers and REAL results ... guaranteed. 


3 Keys To Transform Your Marriage

Recognizing you have a marriage problem is the first step along the road to transforming your marriage, and for most couples simply acknowledging there is a problem shatters the marriage myth. According to love stories, movies, and fairytales we are supposed to live 'happily ever after'. But what happens when Snow White develops a drinking problem? What happens when Robin Hood's long working hours start affecting his marriage to Maid Marian? What happens when Cinderella says she has 'fallen out of love'?

We are taught in school how to do sums, how to read and recognize Shakespeare, and how to conduct scientific experiments, but what do we really know about the greatest social experiment of all, namely our ability to keep the love alive in our marriage?

If you can't wait a moment longer, check out Save My Marriage Today for answers:

The fact is we know surprisingly little, and from the moment we say "I do," we are literally flying by the seat of our pants. We don't get a manual or a textbook telling us how to get it right, so our marriage becomes an evolving set of experiments, learning and discovering more and more about ourselves and each other, and figuring out what works and what doesn't. Some say if we don't make mistakes we don't really learn, but what do those mistakes cost us, and is the cost too high for some couples?

That's why I have 3 ways to instantly transform your marriage. These are 3 things that you know will work and will help you get your marriage back on track. Let's call this your error-free way to redeem yourself and your marriage in the eyes of your partner and show them that you are committed to making positive changes in your marriage.

The first key to transforming your marriage is to stop looking at your issues on a case-by-case basis. Couples that try to solve arguments by going into the small details of every argument are never really going to deal with the big stuff. I'm talking about the issues that REALLY matter in your marriage, and the issues that keep coming up in every disagreement.

Spend too much time at work? Partner feeling unappreciated? Don't make love as much as you used to? Either of you feeling unfulfilled by your lifestyle or the relationship? Is the communication poor in your relationship? Does your need to always be right override the feelings of your partner? Spend less time worrying about the details and more time examining the issues and themes behind your arguments.

* The issue is your job. The theme behind this may be balance between work and home life.
* The issue is you not doing enough chores. The theme behind may be that you are being invited into making a greater contribution into coupledom.
* The issue is your partner being grumpy with you all the time. The theme is your partner needing to feel validated in the relationship

If you have a greater understanding of what the key themes are behind your marriage issues you are better able to develop effective solutions that will really make a difference.



The second key to transforming your relationship is to examine your beliefs about marriage. It's okay to not have the fairytale marriage. Even the best couples don't always get it right. But what makes the imperfections good or bad is how you choose as a couple to deal with it. When you disagree about something, do you sit down and talk about it, or is your first instinct to deny that there is a problem and hope that it will all go away?

You need to understand that it is okay to be imperfect. In fact, admitting this to yourself and your partner can be one of the most liberating actions you take in transforming your marriage. Admitting your imperfections exposes a vulnerability that can bring you closer together as you find ways to get some meaning out of your issues. Acknowledging that you do make mistakes can open the door to acknowledging that there is a better way to do things, and one of the lessons we are called into as a couple is finding that solution together. Make a list of things that you have learnt since you got married, and a list of areas that you as a couple can both improve on. Then try sharing that list with your partner and ask them to contribute their thoughts.

The third key to transforming your relationship is in recognizing the differences between men and women, and acknowledging the importance of both roles in the relationship. Just because your partner views something different to you doesn't make them wrong, and the same goes for you. There are often several interpretations of the truth, and the key to marriage success is in recognizing that women and men have key fundamental differences in the way they view things. For men, their view may be a much more task-oriented approach to fixing an issue, where a woman may focus more on the emotional process as you both navigate your way through marriage issues. While both approaches are different, with compromise they can both achieve the same result.

Write down 5 themes or issues. Then I want you to write down 5 task-oriented ways of trying to solve the situation. Then list 5 thoughts-based ways of communicating your way to a solution.

The first step to transforming your marriage is in transforming YOU. Being married can be scary enough, but having marriage problems and not knowing how to fix them can be paralyzing! All it takes is the ability to step outside your day-to-day issues and look at different ways of viewing your marriage. Every marriage problem invites you into growing and offers you and your partner the opportunity to learn.

Now it's up to you to take what you have learned and apply it to YOUR marriage. You too can have a fairytale marriage !

You are the best person to save your marriage, and with the tools and techniques in the Save My Marriage Today Premium Home Study Course you really can. There is so much packed into this course, you and your partner are going to be able to communicate like you never have before! You have to learn what it takes to save your marriage. Get the whole package that gives you REAL answers and REAL results ... guaranteed.

