10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want in 2020

Today I want to share with you guys this amazing article wrote By Heather Mathews
Author of Manifestation Miracle 

“What you seek is seeking you.” - Rumi

If I told you that you could create the exact type of circumstances you want, would you call me crazy?

What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life…

…but those around you as well?

Philip, a call center worker from the Philippines certainly didn't think so. He dreamed of moving overseas so he could secure a better life and provide for his family.

But at every turn, his own mind shut down every opportunity he thought of.

For instance, Philip considered seeing an immigration consultant, but he either “didn't have the time” or “couldn't afford it”.

So, he resented his situation and cursed himself (and the world) for his “bad luck”.

He didn't realize that the real culprit was his mindset - not his circumstances.

And it seemed like the more he ruminated, the more bad things happened.

Thus, he kept feeding the cycle of being stuck in a rut and feeling bad, trapping him even more.

That was, until his aunt Sara introduced him to the Law of Attraction.

Turning the tide

Before she moved to California, Sara had been close with Philip and treated him like a son.

She had her own share of struggles finding greener pastures abroad, but she applied the principles from the Law of Attraction to overcome them.

So she sent a few books on the topic to Philip through Amazon so he could gain the clarity to turn his life around.

At first, Philip didn't really think much of it, but he decided to read through the books since his aunt went through the trouble of sending it over.

After he started applying the lessons he learned from the material, things started to change for him.

It came as a complete shock to Philip - he never thought in a million years that making a simple shift in his thinking could have such a direct and POWERFUL impact in his life.

And soon enough, the fog of negativity and despair around Philip lifted and he found a way to make his dreams happen.

Through his persistence, he was eventually able to borrow the money he needed for the consultation fees, and learned the step-by-step process to get work overseas.

Philip was finally able to find a fulfilling and rewarding career in Australia. Not only does he get to support his family back home, he also made friends and enjoys his new life abroad.

Just a few months ago, Philip's parents started their own business, thanks to his help.

At the rate they're going, his family could save enough so they can pass on their business to another relative and follow Philip to Australia. ould wait for Philip to take the offer so they can move there instead.

Whatever option Philip chooses, the possibilities for him are almost limitless.

But he's just one of thousands who made the Law of Attraction to work for him. Like Philip, a lot of people are initially discouraged to try because they think it takes a lot of work.

But the reality is that it's surprisingly easy to get started. You just need to follow these 10 Super Simple Steps to Attract Everything You've Ever Wanted:



Step #1: A little gratitude goes a long way

The first thing you should learn about the Law of Attraction is that it operates on energy.

YOUR energy, to be exact.

Everyone has a different kind of energy they bring into the world, and it affects them in ways they often don't see or appreciate.

The secret lies in the FREQUENCY of a person's energy - and you need to raise yours in order to change your life.

Think of your unique energy as a sort of gas that fills the space of your reality. Whatever “gas” or “energy” you pump out into your immediate space will define your existence.

Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, said this in his book, “Man's Search for Meaning”:

“To draw an analogy: a man's suffering is similar to the behavior of a gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the "size" of human suffering is absolutely relative.”

So if you want to invite great things into your life, you need to set the stage first. And you can do that by leading with the right energy.

That's why being grateful and appreciating what you have is a powerful way to recalibrate your frequency.

Most folks hold off on feeling this way for AFTER they get what they want. But that's putting the cart before the horse, as the saying goes.

When you LEAD with gratitude, it will act as the precedent for everything good that follows.

What I like to do is start of my day by making a list of things that I'm grateful for. If I miss anything, I save it for later and update my list at the end of my day.

And when I go over my list during the weekend, I'll see exactly how much good stuff I've accumulated.

This creates a kind of snowball effect and helps me attract even MORE good stuff down the road.

Step #2: Be generous

This can be a challenge for some people if they feel like there isn't enough to go around.

But if you take the initiative to SHARE whatever you can without asking anything in return…

… you'll generate the kind of energy that attracts prosperity for everyone…

…including YOU.

Again, this is the Law of Attraction at work.

Try offering your time, talents and material wealth to those who need it - you'll soon invite blessings without even trying.

Step #3: Visualize your future

What I find amazing about kids is how powerful their imaginations are.

When they role-play with other children, you can see in their eyes how REAL their games are to them.

This is something that's lost on grown-ups, and it's important to recapture that ability to envision the kind of reality you want.

The Universe likes to play games with us- the better you are at visualizing, the more you'll be rewarded.

Like I said, a certain type of energy attracts a certain kind of reality.

So if you focus your energy and thoughts on that dream job you want or the car you've always wanted to drive, you'll raise your frequency to ATTRACT those exact things.



Step #4: Let the negativity pass

When the bad times roll in and you feel like dirt, sometimes it's better to step aside and let it run its course.

Having negative thoughts and emotions are totally normal, but you don't always have to wrestle with them.

You can simply acknowledge what's going on in your inner world - then CHOOSE to keep moving forward anyway.

Let this negative energy pass through your system like a bad case of gas. The sooner you let it do its thing, the quicker you can get back to what you were doing.

(Sorry for the fart analogy, but it gets the point across, doesn't it?)

Step #5: Never stop growing

It's good to have a daily routine in your life, but not at the expense of your personal development.

Most people are so set in their ways that they're afraid of the thought of doing something new.

Then they complain about their humdrum lives, or that some folks “have all the luck.”

Breaking out of your comfort zone is never an easy thing, but it's a step worth taking.

No matter how loaded your schedule is, find some chunks of time to do things that will help you grow.

Whether it's taking an online course, joining a community, or taking up a hobby, this is a powerful way to attract new and exciting things in your life.

Step #6: Avoid the “toxic” crowd

There are people who seem hell-bent on pulling others into their world of misery.

Whether they're trying to lessen their own pain or simply enjoy doing it, you need to steer clear of them.

Instead, choose people who will have the opposite effect on your psyche. Not only does a person's energy attract circumstances, it's also CONTAGIOUS.

So make sure you hang out with the people who'll inspire you to achieve greater things - and not bring you down with apathy or inaction.


Step #7: Give yourself permission to succeed

Most of the world's most brilliant people were put down in some way.

Somewhere along the way, someone told them they'd “never make it” or were “destined to fail.”

In your own life, certain people have tried to discourage you in some way.

They might have tried putting you down when you were growing up - or it could have been last week.

It doesn't matter.

What's important is that you understand that NO ONE can put labels on you.

And more importantly, they can NEVER give you permission to achieve what you want in life. You need to do that for yourself.

Don't let their words define your “story”. You don't have to fit whatever petty narrative they're trying to force on you.

Step #8: Affirm who you are

Instead of feeding into the lies that people tell you, let this be the day to start living your truth.

Create statements that embody the truth you choose to be, AND to live in.

People do this all the time.

When Elon Musk tried to launch the world's first privately owned rocket and failed, he told himself, “I'm going to try again, and I WILL get that thing into orbit.” (Well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the point.)

And so his company SpaceX went back to the drawing board and got it right after the third attempt.

Elon affirmed his truth and it manifested into reality. In the same way, you can choose to affirm whatever truth applies to you.

Be honest with yourself and acknowledge the things that TRULY matter to you.

You know it, and the Universe knows it.

The key is to repeat it yourself every day. For example, if you know deep in your heart that you want to make a better life for yourself, you can say something like this:

“I may be struggling right now, but I know deep inside that I have what it takes to improve my life. I see myself transforming into a happier, wealthier person who makes other people's lives brighter.”

When you operate from even the tiniest shred of truth, you can grow that into a powerful force over time.

Step #9: Fail spectacularly

Here's something most people don't know about the Law of Attraction: before you can enjoy success and find true happiness, you need to crash and burn.

It's better to go after what you want and risking failure rather than playing it safe and not trying at all.

To create order in your life, you'll have to embrace the chaos that comes before it.

This is where you'll find the real lessons, even if they hurt a little.

(Or in some cases, a LOT).

Think of yourself as the beautiful Phoenix, like in the legends.

Imagine burning off bits and pieces of yourself that you don't need. As you rise from the ashes, you're reborn into a NEW YOU.

That's evolution. It may be an imperfect and unpleasant process, but the results are worth it.

Step #10: Remove your BIGGEST barrier to success

People don't realize that their greatest roadblock is none other than their own mindset.

They may say they want something to happen, but don't REALLY mean it.

For instance, someone might want to lose weight, but they don't want it bad enough.

Worse, they might not actually believe they can shed those pounds. A part of them refuses to acknowledge the faintest possibility of it happening.

This is pretty much why people NEVER attract the things they want in life.

In order to remove this barrier, you'll need to change something inside you.

You need to dig deep and understand WHY you don't want it as much as you say you do.

Are you scared of suffering through the process of getting what you want?

This is what turns most people off - they simply can't process the discomfort involved with growing up.

At the same time, you need to deal with the reasons why you think that your desired reality is impossible.

It could be some deep-seated beliefs brought about by past events, or experiences growing up.

Once you sort this out, you'll be free to do what you want without any pre-programmed beliefs holding you back.

Now, these ten steps we just talked about will get your foot in the door. Once you start doing them regularly, you'll experience remarkable breakthroughs you didn't think were possible.

But if you want to witness even MORE changes on a massive (or even cosmic) scale, you need to check out my FULL course called Manifestation Miracle.

Like the name suggests, I enjoyed nothing short of a life-changing revolution not too long ago.

In a lot of ways, my situation was the same as Philip's. I worked myself to the bone and felt unfulfilled.

I was trapped in my soul-crushing career. Even though I needed the money, I HATED having to put up a hollow appearance of a happy, successful businesswoman.

But then I discovered how turn my mind into a magnet for prosperity and abundance…

Learn how I unlocked the secret to ATTRACTING anything and everything I wanted - CLICK HERE to watch the video now !

How To Achieve The Extraordinary - 7 Keys To Living A Successful, Purpose-Driven Life

I want to share with you guys this amazing article wrote By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit 

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston S. Churchill

Jeff was the coolest kid at my high school. He was popular with everyone, whether it was the geek crowd, the rebellious goths, or the sporty jocks.

He was a good athlete, did well in academics, and even had time to be part of the drama club.

Jeff never tried to impress anyone - he was naturally gifted and did things effortlessly.

Or so I thought…

You see, Jeff went to a different school during his elementary years before he moved to our town.

According to him, he was a complete mess back then.

“I was bad at sports, got picked on because I was shy and my grades were a disaster,” Jeff shared with us one time while we were working on a group science project.

The people listening (including me) couldn't believe it. How could someone so talented at a lot of things be anything less than perfect?

“Yeah, people used to tell me I had a lot of talent and potential… it sucked because I wasn't really using any of it,” he continued.

Jeff's dad is a college basketball coach, and over a couple of summers, he walked him through a bunch of drills and exercises until he got better at the game. He said, “My dad wouldn't tell me how talented I was like other people did. He would point out when I was making progress, though. I think that really helped me get into it, knowing that I was improving.”

The myth of talent

A lot of people resent those who they see as talented. They think that just because someone is naturally good at something, that's ALL it takes.

Like in Jeff's case, none of us really think of the blood, sweat and tears involved.

Why bother with what goes behind the scenes when you can just look at the end result and brush it off as purely a matter of “talent”?

That's why I want to talk about what you REALLY need to be awesome at anything you do.

Sure, being naturally gifted can give anyone a boost, but that's not enough to take you all the way to the top.

You need Personal Magnetism!
Here are The 7 Most Important Qualities To Being Successful:



#1: Embrace challenges

There is a big difference between the statements “I can't do it” and “I can't do it yet.”

The latter type of thinking is a far more powerful way to see the world. It's called adopting a GROWTH Mindset.

People who have this believe that they can grow and improve even if they hit the occasional roadblock to success.

This is also the mark of successful people. Accepting that setbacks are part of the process means you're willing to power through them.

To do that, take a step back and learn from your mistakes after you mess up.

No one ever got it right the first time, and for good reason.

Screwing up helps you focus and rethink your approach, then try again. This is a challenge that successful people take pleasure in.

#2: Focus on growth, not proving yourself

The problem with those who don't have the Growth Mindset is that they're more interested in enforcing ahigh opinionof themselves and their raw talent.

This usually comes from a place of pride and fear.

To them, some people just have “it”, and others don't.

So, they think they'll always have an edge over those who aren't born with “it”.

But that's a false belief - people can always learn new things and get better at it.

You'll notice that these people tend to avoid challenges beyond their skill set. They'd rather not risk shattering the illusion of their effortless talent.

When they let this kind of thinking hold them back, they fail to grow into someone better.

Success has a lot to do with setting your ego aside.

Don't think you're so talented that you don't need to work hard or make mistakes like everyone else.

Remember, your skills can AND will evolve over time. But you need to put yourself through the learning process first.

Aside from learning from your mistakes, you should also be willing to learn from others and share the knowledge you have.

Create an atmosphere where you can have a back and forth exchange of insights and ideas with others in your field.

Only then will you really be able to expand your mind and hone your craft.



#3: Put effort above talent

With everything we've talked about so far, you'd think I'm knocking on talented people.

Not at all.

Jeff was crazy talented, but as I found out, he also had to put in the work.

Otherwise, people would have kept telling him about his potential while he did nothing about it.

When you consider the big picture, EFFORT spells the difference between those who have amazing potential…

…and those who actually make use of it.

Angela Duckworth, the author of “Grit” , says that talent only accelerates the learning process.

To build and improve your skills, you need a good dose of grit in your life.

According to Duckworth, this is a combination of persisting with your goals AND being passionate about them.

This means working through those disappointing failures and staying on course even when you feel like dirt.

And it all boils down to the amount of effort you CHOOSE to put in - especially during times like these.

All the potential in the world won't mean much if you don't make a commitment to yourself to cultivate and refine the gifts you've been given.



#4: Develop your purpose

Another quality of grit that Duckworth stresses is having a mission that's important to youand sticking to it.

If you want to stick to your goals and keep growing, you need a sense of purpose - and the passion to fuel it.

It's common to feel enthusiastic about a project or goal in the beginning. But like any other emotion, it comes and goes.

What's not so common is KEEPING AT IT even after those feelings of excitement have faded.

Think of your sticking to your end goal as being in a relationship with someone.

After you've gotten past the honeymoon phase, are you still willing to stick it out?

Do you make the conscious decision to stay the course in spite of the disillusionment?

When you wake up in the morning, do you think of ways - big and small - to enrich your relationship and make it thrive?

Are you so in love with your goals that you're downright obsessed?

If you base your actions on your loyalty to your goals, then you're on the right track.

If not, try to remember why you have those goals in the first place.

What made you fall in love with them, and why do you care so much?

Once you've reacquainted yourself with your core reasons, you'll be focused and stay true to your mission.

#5: Put value in the “little” things

There's a study that came out in the late 80s called “The Mundanity of Excellence” which documented the performance of Olympic Swimmers.

The author observed how one of the athletes was able to go from minor leagues all the way to Olympic-level competitions in just three years.

He showed that through a number of measurable factors, the concept of excellence could be actually be quantified.

And he points out that these factors that make up an extraordinary performance are, well, pretty ordinary.

The truth is that there's really nothing amazing about the habits needed to be awesome at something. Take the following for instance:

- Waking up early in the morning to get a good start
- Taking an invigorating shower to wake your senses
- Meditating and/or reading something motivational or inspirational
- Having a healthy and filling breakfast to fuel your day
- Showing up for work or training
- Practicing through drills, exercises and other repetitive motions, both physical and mental
- Researching topics related to your field and exchanging ideas with your peers
- And so on…

So you can see that each of those “little” things isn't exactly exciting. But all of them play an important part in your grand plan nonetheless.

When you have an overall result in mind, like making a million dollars in a year or being a world-class athlete, it's the smaller sub-goals that will make it happen.

If you care enough about being excellent, you should create a solid framework of smaller objectives to support your vision.

Otherwise, you'll be lost and aimless, wondering why you haven't done something amazing with your life.

To make things happen, you need to make a structured plan first.

Once you've got your priorities sorted out, success will be the sum of those smaller goals you put together.

You deserve the power to attract success easily and naturally in any area of your life:

So I recommend you check out this short video which explains everything.



#6:Practice, practice, practice

Successful people focus on the parts of their game that need work.

If a basketball player isn't doing too well with rebounds or shooting accurately, then they'll have to do those drills to rectify that.

When you hit a particular wall in your performance or career, make a game out of getting around it. Focus your energy on that specific wall.

Again, the key to success is pretty boring.

Most of the time, it's simply prioritizing certain areas, then letting other people tell you where you did it wrong.

Like I said before, getting other people's insights is crucial, and in this case, it'll help you overcome your weaknesses.

Then all that's left to do is keep practicing the same thing until you've completely ironed out the kinks.

Pretty soon, you won't be even thinking about that problem you were having before. Getting it right becomes second nature.

Going through the grind of mastering something isn't cool or glamorous. But it's the complete opposite when you finally get your act together.

#7: Find winners and hang out with them

Here's an important thing about excellence that people often miss: it's contagious.

You know what they say about birds of the same feather, right?

If you surround yourself with negative, miserable folks who put successful people down just to feel better about themselves…

… what kind of effect would it have on YOUR thinking?

Would it help you make things happen, or make it a hundred times harder?

The kind of attitude and perspective you have will either lift up your dreams - or poison them.

That's why you need to be part of a winning, supportive culture that celebrates excellence, not despise it.

A group of people will always have a common set of values and principles. If you're part of that circle, it will rub off you no matter what.

So if you tend to be around people that scoff at personal growth, don't try to change how they think.

You can be that person who was brave enough to stick out like a sore thumb, but not in condescending or “Hey look at me now” kind of way.

The result of your hard work will speak for itself.

There's no need to rub it in anyone's face. Who knows, you might just make a believer out of the Negative Nancy's in your life.

Heck, you could even tell them how you pulled it off when they ask you.

Wouldn't that be great, to be the one that lifts them up?

But that's the thing about life - when you send a certain message to the world, expect to get a certain kind of response.

Discover the messages you need to be sending to experience unlimited success

How to create more opportunities in your life ?

What if there was a way to consciously send the RIGHT message to the world?

What if you could be at the perfect “frequency” so people will pick up on your signal and respond in a hugely positive way?

Imagine your boss wanting to give you a promotion - and a fat raise to go along with it…

…or a prospective investor willing to fund your million-dollar idea…

…or even your future romantic partner begging to take you out on a date.

To do all that and MORE, all it takes is to reprogram your signal so everyone gets your message loud and clear.

After that, they'll WANT to give you all those incredible opportunities left and right like crazy!

It all boils down to a single trait that people knew next to nothing about - until now.

A study at the Carnegie Institute of Technology discovered that this quality accounted for 85% of a person's financial success.

And no, it has nothing to do with talent or technical skill…

Follow this link to discover the NUMBER 1 quality to become a magnet for wealth, love, happiness, and success.



Forming a simple healthy habit to lose weight successfully in 2020

A big chunk of our time today is spent sitting at a desk or on a couch for hours at a time, whether for work or pleasure. This can have an adverse effect on health. Many people struggle with weight issues, general unease, and lifestyle health disorders, and despite wanting to turn to a new leaf, they don't find time because of their tight schedules. The solution is to make minor but permanent tweaks to how you live your life and to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. Hot Skinny Tea is one such option for starting this journey of change.


Tea is packed with powerful properties and its many positive effects on our bodies is well-known. Drinking tea that is infused with powerful natural supplements, which is exactly what Hot Skinny Tea is, can enhance the benefits and act as an elixir for good health. Apart from that, it is also important to ensure that other aspects of your diet are not left unchecked. Eating healthy, nutritional, and organic food is one of the key steps to becoming healthier, as is decreasing your intake of red meat and dairy products. In addition, you should also put some time aside for regular exercise. Hot Skinny Tea can help with that, too. By increasing your energy levels and boosting your metabolism, this tea will give you the necessary initiative and willpower to hit the exercise mat or go out for a run.




While most people are drawn to Hot Skinny Tea because of its fat-melting potential, the true value of this product lies in the fact that it makes you feel better in every way, be it physical, mental, even emotional. A healthy morning routine means that you start off your day in the best possible way, and a cup of Hot Skinny Tea is the perfect new addition to your breakfast spread! All you need to do is put one teaspoon of the tea blend into hot water and let it steep for 2-3 minutes. Drink it at least half an hour before breakfast. In order to achieve optimal results, you can drink another cup of yummy tea before dinner, and preferably before 9 PM. This small change will make a huge difference to your life, and you will finally look and feel the way you always wanted to -- radiant, happy, and healthy.


What's revolutionary about Hot Skinny Tea is that it packs an abundance of healthy, natural ingredients in a convenient, easy-to-make tea drink that can be enjoyed hot or iced. Just drinking the tea twice a day will show visible results in weeks -- from better blood work numbers and enhanced holistic wellness to a detoxifying cleanse and improved immunity. What's more, it may even help with weight loss if supplemented with a healthy diet plan and regular exercise.

Using Hot Skinny Tea is very easy. Just put 1 tablespoon of the tea blend into hot water, let it steep for 2-3 minutes, and drink it twice a day. This blend is made out of sencha green tea, lemongrass, pu-erh leaf, senna leaf, lotus leaf, fennel, Garcinia Cambogia extract, and stevia, to sweeten things up. The cleansing effects of the tea have been backed by scientific research. Not only will you feel and look great, but you might also trigger weight loss by boosting your fat-burning capabilities.

Hot Skinny Tea is the promise of a better lifestyle and a healthier you, all in one tasty cup!



3 Steps To Activating Your ‘Wealth Brain’ to attract a lot of money opportunities in 2020

I want to share with you guys this amazing article wrote By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism 


Did you know that one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t get the wealth and the life they want is that they don’t actually KNOW what they want ?

It’s true !


Although you may think you want to be wealthy and successful, the truth is that majority of people actually spend more time thinking about what they DON’T want rather than what they DO want.

For example, have you ever had any of these thoughts?

  • “I don’t want to be poor”
  • “I hate being in debt”
  • “I don’t want to be paying rent forever”
  • “I’m tired of struggling”
  • “I don’t want my kids to go without”
  • “I don’t want to be a failure”

Yes, most of us have had these kind of thoughts before…

And the problem is that focusing on what you don’t want actually prevents you from attracting wealth in your life.

Instead of manifesting that promotion, that business opportunity, or that unexpected windfall, you end up manifesting more debt, bills, and hardships !


So, how are self-made millionaires different ?

The difference is that even before they became rich, they DREAMED of being wealthy and successful.

They literally had a “rich brain”.

Rather than dwelling on what they were lacking in their lives, they focused on the steps they were going to take each day that would lead them to the successful future they desired.

So, today I want to help YOU to develop the mindset of a millionaire, by teaching you these three simple steps to programming your mind for wealth.

These steps have helped me to get to where I am today, and I hope they help you to get on the path of achieving great success !


Step One: Set a target

Then first step is to set a specific goal for your financial future.

Think about what you really want, and try asking yourself the following questions…

  • How much money do I want to have in the bank?
  • What kind of job and salary do I want to have?
  • Am I happy working for others, or do I want to become my OWN boss?
  • What kind of assets do I want to own?
  • What kind of LIFESTYLE do I want to live?

It may be that you want to earn an income of over $100k per year, it may be to own a house mortgage-free, it may be to start up a successful business, or it may be to simply make an extra couple of hundred bucks a week so that you can start living the lifestyle you want.

Any target you want to achieve is great – the important thing is that it is what YOU want for your future, not what anyone ELSE wants.

P.S. Don’t worry about HOW you are going to achieve this goal right now (that’s the job of your subconscious!) – simply come up with a target that makes you feel really, really excited.


Step Two: Determine your REASONS for setting that target

It’s important to know the reasons WHY you want to be wealthy, because these reasons can determine whether or not you will achieve your goal.

Is it because you hate the job you’re in now, or because you’re terrified of the thought of struggling with debt and bills forever?

Or, is it because you have a dream to turn your passion into your day job, or you dream of becoming financially free so that you can live your dream lifestyle?

Wanting something out of passion and determination is a million times more powerful than wanting something out of fear, so it’s important that your reasons are positive and motivating.

For me, the reason I wanted to be wealthy was for financial freedom.

I’ve never had really expensive taste, and my luxury assets stretch as far as a nice condo and a Mercedes AMG… which of course are both very nice to have.

But what I love most about being wealthy is the freedom.

I love being able to spend majority of my time helping people, and travelling the world. And I love knowing that I would never have to work again even if I never made another penny in my life.

So, what is it about wealth that YOU want? What are the good things that would come from having an abundance of money? What would financial freedom enable you to do?

Here are some ideas:

  • To be able to provide a great lifestyle for my family
  • To be able to travel and go on vacations when I choose
  • To be able to buy my dream house or dream car
  • To be able to do the kind of work I love, and work the hours I choose
  • To feel successful, valued and proud of what I have achieved

Give yourself some time to think and then write down 2-3 reasons why you want to be wealthy.


Step Three: Align your brain with your target

The last step is to align your brain with your target.

The clearer and more specific you are about what you want to achieve, the harder your brain is going to work to make it happen.

So right now, I want you to try to actually visualize yourself achieving the goals you have set yourself, and picture how you will be FEELING in that moment.

For example…

  • Seeing that million-dollar balance when you log in to your online banking
  • Picturing yourself opening that dream business…
  • Welcoming your friends and family to your beautiful new home (that you own mortgage-free)…
  • Picturing yourself picking up that dream car from the lot…
  • Telling your kids about the amazing holiday you’re about to take them on…

Whatever your dream is, the more you practice visualizing in your mind, the more likely it is to become your reality.

Your subconscious mind sets out to attract into your life the things you think about MOST. So, make sure that the things you think about are things that you want.

Keep going over these three steps, and as these thoughts, images and feelings of wealth are absorbed through repetition by your subconscious, you'll soon find your life beginning to change in amazing ways you’d never dreamed possible.

If you want to learn how to take this further and effortlessly shape YOUR brain into the brain of a MILLIONAIRE, check out the quick personalized quiz below:

Do you have the mindset of a millionaire? Is wealth in your future..?

I’ve created a quick quiz which will determine whether you have the mindset of a millionaire. Go to the quiz here !


9 Foods Which Contain Masses Of The Breast-Growth Hormone

In the following article, I am showing some good natural herbs that help increase breast size in a safe way. The Breast development begins at puberty and is regulated by the balance of specific hormones. Medical research has shown that the development of breast tissue depends on the delicate balance of progesterone, estrogen, prostaglandins, prolactin and other compounds. An imbalance of these hormones can result in poor breast development or even atrophy (decrease in size).


Phytoestrogens are a group of substances found in plants that have moderate estrogenic properties. The phytoestrogens compete for the same receptor cells as true estrogen. Phytoestrogens, through their natural balance of female hormones, promote the development of glandular breast tissue and act as a powerful natural breast enlargement factor. Most women taking herbs containing these phytoestrogens notice a significant increase in the fullness and balance of their breasts.


The next herbs have been promoted by different companies because contain good levels of phytoestrogens and have the action of promoting breast tissue growth and tone.




Pueraria mirifica (also known as Kwao Krua or Butea Superba) is a plant found in Thailand and Myanmar. Its tuber (fleshy underground stem or root) contains phytoestrogens such as miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, and coumestans. Miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol are found only in Pueraria mirifica. They are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones, and are under investigation for possible use in hormone replacement therapy. One of the amazing "side-effects" of this herb is it's action of increasing breast size and firmness. Tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant had a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. This herb is used in both capsule and cream form in natural breast enhancement formulas.


Dandelion Root has two particularly important uses: to promote the formation of bile and to remove excess water from the body in edemas conditions resulting from liver problems. The root especially effects all forms of secretion and excretion from the body. This boosting of secretion is key to the breast enhancement and formation of new breast cells and tissue. No side effects or contradictions with normal use.


Watercress Leaf is the most ancient of green vegetables known to man and it's use can be traced back to the Persians, Greeks and Romans. Watercress is one of the best sources of vitamin E and contains significant amounts of folic acid and Lucien. Vitamin E is the fertility vitamin, essential to breast enlargement, Vitamin E helps the body to use oxygen, which increases physical endurance and stamina and improves heart response.


Red Clover is a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens).


Dong Quai Root aids the body in the efficient use of hormones. It is widely considered the ultimate female tonic herb. This herb helps restore energy, vitality and resistance to disease, and stimulates the breast enlargement. Scientists believe that one mechanism of action of Dong Quai is to promote natural progesterone synthesis. Progesterone is another hormone whose production declines at menopause. The plant nutrients can help to wash these out of the system, aiding in increasing the health of the breast tissue.


Fenugreek Seed Extract is a unique herb rich in phyto-estrogens. Fenugreek aids in hormonal production, and facilitates the development of the mammary glands which 'feed' on estrogens.


Saw Palmetto Berry is a small palm tree with large leaves and large deep redblack berries. Saw Palmetto berries contain an oil with a variety of physosterols. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto to successfully reverse atrophy of the mammary gland.


Fennel Seed has long been praised for its abundance of flavonoids. These compounds exert mild estrogenic effects and are completely harmless and non-toxic.


Mexican Wild Yam Root is Commonly used as a treatment for osteoporosis, Mexican Wild Yam is a excellent source of Beta-Carotene and diosgenin, which are powerful Phytochemicals aiding in optimal breast development. Hops Flower: Hops flower is a shrub rich in flavonoids, whose action in regulating the hormonal production facilitates development of the mammary glands.



Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (2020)

What is erectile dysfunction ?
Also known as ED, erectile dysfunction is repeated or persistent difficulty in either achieving and/or maintaining an erection that is sufficient for sex. It might happen occasionally, or it may happen every time you attempt to have sex.

What Causes ED ?
There are several different causes of erectile dysfunction. Some causes are physical:
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol
• Metabolic syndrome
• Obesity
• Multiple sclerosis
• Parkinson’s disease
• Testosterone deficiency
• Atherosclerosis

Sometimes substance abuse, smoking alcoholism, and side effects from prescription drugs can cause ED. If you’re being treated for prostate cancer (particularly if you are receiving radiation therapy in the pelvic region) then you might suffer from erectile dysfunction. In total, approximately 90 percent of erectile dysfunction cases have physical components.

Some of the causes of erectile dysfunction are psychological:
• Guilt
• Fear or intimacy
• Anxiety
• Low self-esteem

If you’re suffering from ED, it’s possible that both psychological and physical factors are contributing to the problem.


Some medications contribute to erectile dysfunction:
• Certain blood pressure medications
• Some antidepressants
• Certain antiandrogens used to treat prostate cancer
• Radiation
• Some ulcer medcations
• Certain sedatives
• Certain appetite suppressants


Besides conditions and medications, there are certain lifestyle factors that contribute to erectile dysfunction:
• Smoking
• Excess alcohol intake
• Illegal drug use
• Lack of exercise
• Being seriously overweight or obese




Are there any natural treatments for ED?

While no herbal supplements for erectile dysfunction have
been approved by the FDA, it’s important to note that “supplements” are never FDA-approved since they aren’t medications. Now that we’ve cleared the air, it’s time to take a closer look at natural erectile dysfunction treatments, along with some pros and cons for each.

Panax Ginseng

As a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction, ginseng is often quite effective. This herbal supplement is a helpful one for those who suffer from low energy, and it often offers cognitive benefits.

• Fights fatigue
• Improves stamina
• Works well for some people
• Must be taken 3 times per day
• Can be expensive
• Not suitable for men with high blood pressure



Since many men with erectile dysfunction have low DHEA levels, it can sometimes be helpful tosupplement with DHEA as a way to replenish the body’s supply. Unfortunately, the “cons” associated with DHEA outweigh the “pros.”

• May help you achieve and maintain an erection
• Can increase bone density over time
• Not suitable for men with diabetes
• Can lead to aggression and irritability
• Can cause hair loss on the head and unwanted hair growth on the face


Luckily, there’s a natural way to increase DHEA: Exercise regularly. Your body will increase its own DHEA production naturally, minus the side effects. Exercise is an excellent addition to any natural ED protocol.

One 1999 study showed that acupuncture was effective in helping 39 percent of participants, and a subsequent 2003 study showed that 21 percent of participants improved their condition.

• Works well for some men
• Minimal side effects
• May help with other issues
• May take a long time to notice positive changes
• Can be expensive
• Not available in all areas

ED Elixir

If you’ve seen reviews mentioning ED Elixir, then you might be very curious about whether it works. The short answer is yes: So far, more than 16,000 men have regained the ability to achieve and sustain erections using ED Elixir.

• Very inexpensive
• Addresses psychological causes of ED as well as physical factors
• Customizable
• Takes 30 seconds a day to use
• No harmful side effects
• Offers beneficial side effects including more energy and better focus
• Doesn’t work for everyone who tries it. (Note, this is the same as all other natural treatments for ED; this one comes with a money-back guarantee in case it doesn’t work for you).


When attempting to remedy erectile dysfunction naturally, you can take a multi-pronged approach to come up with a plan that works well for your own unique situation as well as for your lifestyle. Always check to see if supplements are compatible with one another and remember to look for any contraindications and potential side effects. Last but not least, give natural ED remedies time to work; they take longer than drugs since they work with your body’s naturally. Here’s to your health !


Did you know that Sex could be the Most powerful Meditation ?


Red tea is definitely much better than Green tea for losing weight in 2020


Green tea has long been acknowledged for its health and wellness benefits, including weight loss assistance. The evidence is irrefutable. But are we overlooking something better ?


It is true that green tea contains powerful antioxidants. These components contribute to
minimizing health risks such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. As a Weight Loss Expert, it has been my primary goal to share practical tips and tricks for those pursuing optimal health. In upholding my obligation to transparency, I am about to reveal how green tea, although beneficial, is gradually losing value in the light of its delicious rival – rooibos.

Rooibos also known as red tea, is equally high in antioxidants, but is sourced from differentsubstances to that of green tea. The antioxidants contained in rooibos – aspalathin and nothofagin – are comparatively rare, and help to regulate blood sugar, reduce excessive fat production, lessen stress, and inhibit metabolic disorders.
After the results of recent studies, alongside my own findings related to the major players in sustainable weight loss, I consider red tea an essential. In addition to preventing heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more, it is an accessible and effective answer to weight gain.

This year I began the production of my Red Tea Detox. A primary goal was to harness the
incredible benefits of rooibos whilst combining the ingredient with a number of other, equally valuable elements. Rooibos means red bush. With so much potential to assist with our health and wellness journey, I considered it wrong to ignore the strength of the plant. Unlike green tea, red tea does not contain caffeine, and therefore drinking the blend at night won’t leave you restless. Another factor of its ultimate superiority is simply – taste. The bitterness of green tea is often attributed to its high tannin content, which is less prevalent in red tea.

Many health products do not aim to bridge the gap between adults and young children,
but the pursuit of health is of equal importance for both demographics. Which is why I’ve
designed a recipe that caters to all ages and tastes, with the inclusion of a sweetened
version of the recipe. This particular Red Tea Detox program is fresh and matchless, already actively transforming lives since its launch.